Sunday, July 11, 2010

I need to feel spunky. Need to do something to bust me out of the mood and over the hump and get my mind on something (before I visit crazy town) so here is how the weekend went...

Chopped all my hair off...Went to birthday dinner and then out with some ladies for girls night...

Kaia got crazy frisky...

Decided I needed "GO BIG" weekend so tried to russle up a pool party. That failed, miserably.

Got wild hair and within 10 minutes planned a road trip to College Station & boarded dog.

We pretended we were in college trying to stir trouble...woke up on the couch on the that happened to belong to my ex boyfriend (it's really an entertaining story), and got taken on a lovely boat adventure!

I think the new do, getting all gussied up and acting a fool is just what the shrink might have ordered! (now if I can just figure out how to get my hair done in under 30 minutes!)

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