Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stalking 101

Stalking. Websters defines this (n.) Someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions.

Characteristics of a stalker: stealth like a bomber

pre 2000 Also known as: Drive By

I have done some stalking in my day, never with unlawful intention, usually more for entertainment, amusement, or pure boredom. (And that awesome occassion of proving a theory) In college my friends and I were notorious for it!

Floating back to college memories, there were few of us that mastered the ultimate stalking. First and foremost, NEVER GET CAUGHT. Second, if you do deny your booty off (unless of course they physically bust you), this is where having an alibi is so important. I could go into some classic stalking stories but really unless you were there they aren't that awesome.

2010. Stalking equals illegal. Well, I guess more as my definition of stalking it is just something you can't and shouldn't do. Why? Well because you just can't do it correctly. No on can. Technology...I mean are you going to update your facebook status to say "Stalking Little Johnny"? or tweeting about "doing a drive by!" That is just asking to be put on the crazy train.

What I have found interesting...text stalking. It is almost laughable, but it is for real! It is the constant and unwanted text by someone. I personally think texting is a poor answer to communication and should just go back into the black hole of doesn't exist. I mean I am from the "pre-cell phone" days which is so crazy these days to even fathom not having a mobile phone. Who wants to be able to be contacted 24-7 anyway?

Text stalking. If I text a person and they don't respond, I usually think "stupid AT&T" because they suck and I figured it got lost somewhere in text space. BUT! what if it is because they didn't want to respond? or don't like me? (that would never happen to me personally) Better yet, would you continue to text a person every day, for over a month, who never responds to you? True story folks! Gosh...I can take a hint and my ego can take a bruisin' that bad, but I guess some people are living on a hope and prayer that today might be the day you respond!

So unless it is 1997 and your actions cannot be traced! and those who think you cannot trace texting...ask your provider to start sending your bill with the conversations (this might keep you from 2 am texting as well!) text stalking should be considered jailable!

Next time, grab some balls, actually dial the number or better yet, try it old school style and do a drive by!

*In no form or fashion am I condoning drive by stalking as it is a really immature and most likely illegal thing to do, but in the spirit of my 18 year old self and the memories I can't let it go!

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